We also suggest trying alternative fabrics like polar fleece for a washable, warm pet cushion cover (to cover that special couch cushion your pet always seems to sleep on).
1-thread (any color)
2-fabric (length will be determined in the instructions
1-sewing machine with a filled bobbin
3-tape measure
4-medium weight string--several yards
5-medium size safety pin
8-ironing board
9-spray bottle with water
View 1- gather materials
View 2-measure cushion: Place cushion face down on a table, and measure around its shape from front to back. Have 7" wrap around and over the flat back side. On our cushion the measurement is 42" for the 'front to back' (our scissors point to the 42" measurement). Next measure around the sides with 7" on each end. We have 41" on this cushion for our 'side to side'.
View 3-yardage: You need the 'front to back' measurement. Our cushion needs 42" or 1 yard + 6" of fabric yardage. Our fabric is 45" wide, so we can fit our 41" across this with 4" to spare.
Panel: You should have a panel that is equal to your 'front to back' and 'side to side' measurements. Our fabric is 45" long x 41" wide.
Lay the fabric GOOD SIDE facing down on the table.
Lay the cushion TOP SIDE facing down centered on top of the fabric
View 4-wrap: Wrap the side of the fabric up and over the cushion.
View 5-gather: Pull all of the edges to together, creating even gathering all the way around the pillow edges
View 6-corners: Grasp the corner gathers together. These ends will be longer. Try to gather the fabric evenly. With scissors, cut off this bunch of fabric at the same length as the rest of the fabric around the cushion. You have removed the pointed corners of the fabric.
View 7-shaping: Even out the fabric so that the corners are rounded when flat on the table.
View 8-pressing: Set up the iron at a temperature compatible with your fabric. Ours is cotton, so we set it that hot. Have a full bottle of water to first spray onto the fabric before pressing over the edges.
View 9-folding the edges: First turn and press the entire edge over 1/4" or so. When that is completed, turn the edge one more time, folding over 1/2" and press.
View 10-edges: Here is how our piece looked when we had finished pressing up the 1/2" all of the way around the shape.
View 11-sewing: Sew using a #3 stitch length length. The needle should be as close to the inner fold as as possible when you sew. You want to make a 'casing' (tunnel for the string) that is nearly 1/2" wide from the outer fold. When you start sewing, sew a 'back stitch' (go backwards 2 or 3 stitches), and do this when you end the sewing, this will keep the sewing from pulling apart. Leave an opening about 4 inches wide when you come back to 'start'. Do not sew the casing closed. You want this opening for the string.
View 12: string: Tie one end of your string to a medium sized safety pin, then shove the pin into the casing around the edge.
View 13: Push the pin along, creating gathers that you can push up the string.
View 14: Pull out the string when the opening is reached.
View 15: covering the cushion: Lay the fabric GOOD SIDE down on the table with the cushion's TOP SIDE down on top of the fabric. Pull the fabric up around the cushion.
View 16: Carefuly pull both ends of the string and gather up the fabric around the cushion, distributing the gathers evenly around all edges.
View 17: Tie the string ends into a bow and tuck these ends between the fabric and cushion to hide them.
View 18: It's done!
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