This is the final set of three colors that Pantone has featured for Spring 2009. The trio is soft, cool and collected. Our first color is a cool look dating back into the 1930's and 1940's when so many things in fashion and decor were this muted hue. The color is called "Lucite Green" which refers to the early plastic produced by DuPont around the WWII era for jewelry and other items. This hue was revived in the 1980's during a rage for all things 1940's (the group: "Manhattan Transfer" being a good example). Now it's back again, and you can find it in so many vintage looks.[Lucite Green: 14-5714]
If you see something here that you like, we may have it listed on our Etsy shop: Pintuckstyle where we sell vintage fashion, or Pintucksew where vintage and retro fabric and patterns are available.
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