If the Lilli Ann company during the 1940's and 1950's is known for anything, it is their fearless use of eye popping details and dramatic flare for contrasting trims. These two lovely wool jackets from the 1950's are examples of how far jacket design can go.
The lavander wool crepe jacket has a swag of drapery that falls to a pom-pom of fur at the end! This is accentuated by a diagonal hemline around the jacket. It appears to move on it's own with the swing and swirl of this design. The drape with fur trim seems to be a popular Lilli Ann trim, and it can be found in other jackets as well.
The second slide shows an early tailored silhouette that is spiked with diamond shaped appliques of the same wool in various shades. These are zig-zagged onto the jacket, around the hips and at the collar points. In fact, the collar diamonds overlap into 'space' and aren't entirely bonded to the jacket structure. This style is part of a line, having seen one go up on Ebay recently, I know that the diamond appliques were used in more than one style.
Plain tailored jackets from today might take note of these two looks. Wouldn't it be fun to re-style a jacket with diamond appliques? Or a swag? Don't let plain jackets fool you, there is a wealth of possibilities, if only someone would try!
(To get a closer look, click on the image)
Both garments were found at Etsy in forward thinking shops who recongnized the glory of a Lilli Ann jacket, even though it might be spiked with moth holes to the point that it can't be worn. Keeping them for study and inspiration is a perfect way to use such unwearables.
top photo: lavander wool crepe with fur trim and rhinestone button, c. 1955, from Fabgabs on Etsy.com
second photo: tan wool with diamond applique trim, c. 1950, from Vintagekttn on Etsy.com
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