Wrap Top Dress, 38Bust, Vin...

Basic Dress, 39 Bust, Vint...

Shirt Dress, 40 Bust, Vinta...

Coat / Dress, 37 Bust, Easy ...

Shift Dress, 36 Bust, Easy t...

Shorts, Skirt, Blouse,41 Bus...

Treasury tool supported by the dog house

I listed a few more cute vintage patterns to sew up for holiday outfits. I am especially happy to have found larger sizes for the rest of us who look so hard through vintage patterns to find our measurements! The ones I show here are just a few. More are listed in the shop, with more to come. I am also going to list some 'recent' patterns at huge discounts. They come from the lingering stock from my brick and morter sewing boutique, and are 'like new'!


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