If you love vintage, fashion, and indy designs, you will cheer this new online magazine: Viva La Moda. It is smart, trendy, and fun. The graphics and technical level of this first issue are excellent, making it stand out from so many of the other online attempts. The products shown are Etsy.com vendors, so the mix is fresh and different when compared to any corporate mag you have seen. It can be found online at http://www.vivalamoda.co.cc/.

Viva La Moda is the baby of Ainhoa, who has compiled a 38 page issue, with 15 articles written by nine authors. Ainhoa also authors a wild and crazy fashion blog, which we can also recommend.
So, drop by the newest fashion magazine, and be sure to visit Ainhoa's blog too.

magazine: www.vivalamoda.co.cc
blog: gilbea.blogspot.com
etsy shop: gilbea.etsy.com


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